Welcome to my staff page! My name is Jen Clark (Mercier) and I am in my first year of teaching at both Helena High School and Capital High School. I teach Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and Honors II between both schools.
I am originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and received my degree in Mathematics from UW- Madison. My husband and I moved to Helena in August shortly after getting married. We are excitedly awaiting our son in March!
To contact me about assignments or times to come in for extra help in Math I am reachable through email at jmercier@helenaschools.org as well as through Microsoft Teams Chat. I encourage that all students reach out if they are seeking any extra help or have any questions.
Algebra I Course Calendar: https://hsd1-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/mmarks_helenaschools_org/EcWu7n1ptWZKlJOtimsOo-QB4kljSXjdDMDXF8KJRYtAQQ?rtime=94O0goQY3Ug
Algebra II, Geometry, & Honors II Course Calendar: https://hsd1-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/jmercier_helenaschools_org/EUwr15IFfxdOltbKbDY4uI4BZA6lmZ_2VEAlC_dEyj_POg?e=Klnwhr