
Dick McMahon

Math 8 – Pre Algebra

Mr. McMahon

C.R. Anderson Middle School


Room B3


Course Summary:

This course is designed to provide you with pre-Algebra skills, learning tasks, and opportunities to prepare you for high school, and ultimately, college and career readiness as aligned to Montana state and national standards.

Textbooks and Resources:

Core Focus on Linear Equations”, “Core Focus on Geometry”, & “Core Focus on Functions and Data”, Core Focus Math website (username: helena; password: math), Mr. McMahon’s Clever page, Your TEAMS page; IXL, and various digitally delivered applications


You should have an organizer with loose leaf paper, a notebook strictly for Math notes, 180 pencils (not really, but one for each class), blue or black pen, highlighter 

 What will we be studying and when?

You should review the attached Scope and Sequence. (Note: it is a TENTATIVE calendar)

How will grades be determined?

The grading scale will be 90-100 is an A, 80-89 is a B, 70-79 is a C, 60 –69 is a D, and 0-59 is a F In class and online assignments/homework, quizzes, projects, and unit tests will be used.  

Classwork (homework assignments, worksheets, IXL assignments…) will account for 40% of the Math 8 grade, while Assessments and Projects (Tests, Quizzes, Power Points…) will account for the other 60%.  Within each category, the total points earned will be divided by the total possible with the appropriate weight for the category applied. 

For the year, you will be assessed each of four quarters.  Additionally, two semester grades will be earned by combining the previous two quarter grades (S1 = Q1/Q2, S2 = Q3/Q4) with each quarter score accounting for ½ of the semester total. 

You should already know how to access PowerSchool and check your grades.  Be certain you have all work completed, submitted and scored, and your grade is where you what you expect it to be.  

What can I do to raise my grade?

The goal in Math 8 class is to ensure that students master the essential standards for the class, so any effort to raise a grade will have the same goal. You must meet with me to arrange for any reassessment.  Options include correcting assignments, IXL enrichments, and Test retakesReassessments must be done within a week of the grade being posted to PowerSchool and must be pre-arranged.   I will not accept a reassessment without prior knowledge/arrangements as we should discuss “What was done, how it should have been done, and what you will do.”

Student Hints for Success:

  • Expect some (not an overload) of math work each day. Be sure to check PowerSchool, TEAMS, and the whiteboard in my room every day, especially if you are absent. 
  • Check Clever for the class weekly itinerary and daily slide.
  • BE HERE EVERY DAY YOU CAN! Attendance, participation, being on time, coming to class prepared and being ready to learn are essential for a great experience in this class. Math, just like me, is amazing.  You don’t want to miss a minute!
  • If you are gone, you are responsible for getting missed assignments and notes.
  • SHOW YOUR WORK!!! SHOW YOUR WORK!!!   SHOW YOUR WORK!!!   SHOW YOUR WORK!!!  (Have I said it enough?)
  • Reassess!!! Remember, you can show me that you have learned from your mistakes. Take advantage of this opportunity, meet with me, and reassess items that you struggled with.
  • Remember, there is NO EXTRA CREDIT but there are ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES! Know the difference and take advantage of it when offered.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Be responsible for yourself, respect others, and do your best!
  2. Bring materials to class every day…hall pass use is limited.
  3. Visitation of unauthorized sites when using Chromebooks will have natural consequences; stay off them!
  4. Water is the only acceptable beverage that can be brought into the classroom by students.
  5. Be nice/respectful toward one another and open to other viewpoints and suggestions.
  6. Your job is to THINK for yourself; LEARN for yourself; CONVEY that knowledge in your own words. NO CHEATING or COPYING SOMEONE ELSE’S WORK!  This is a Zero Tolerance Policy…DO IT AND YOU GET A ZERO!

It should be an AWESOME JOURNEY that WE get to take this year.

Thanks So Much,

Mr. McMahon