Block 5 week 1 independent work assignment (Nov 30-Dec 4):
Read chapter 8 in the earth science textbook and complete the questions in all 4 section assessments. The textbooks are in the commons. You can type your answers in the attached document or hand write them, whichever you prefer.
section 8.1 Assessment p221 #1-8
section 8.2 Assessment p227 #1-6
section 8.3 Assessment p232 #1-6
section 8.4 Assessment p237 #1-5
Block 5 week 2 independent work assignment (Dec 7-Dec11):
Block 5 Week 1 independent work assignment (Nov 30-Dec 4):
I have put together a ‘week 1’ packet for you to complete during your week 1 independent work time in the commons. Please come see me to get a packet if you have not already received one in class.
Block 5 Week 2 independent work assignment (Dec 7-Dec 11):
Complete the week 2 genetics packet during your day 3 independent work time in the commons. I will be handing them out during class.