
Katie Burke

Welcome! This web page is a place for you to access information and resources for your 6th Grade Science class.  This year you will work as scientists and engineers to answer scientific questions and solve real-world problems. I am honored to be your teacher and I hope you have a great year at Helena Middle School.

I will use 5 online locations to make information, resources, and assignments available to students and families.

  1. Mrs. Burke’s Webpage – please take a few minutes to explore this page and see what is available here.
  2. Clever – students must use Clever to access Amplify which is our science curriculum. Clever also is a launch point for students to access Microsoft Office 365 (student Outlook email, Teams, Word, etc), curriculum resources, PowerSchool, and so much more! Please take time to explore Clever and see what is available there.
  3.  Microsoft Teams– Students will use Teams to access general information for class. Some assignments will be handed in through Teams. Students should use the Teams Chat to ask me questions or seek assistance.
  4. Amplify the majority of student work will be handed in through the Amplify platform. Students are able to see in Amplify what tasks are assigned to them; most of these will be complete in class with occasional homework. When tasks are completed in Amplify, detailed feedback on that work will be communicated to students through Amplify. Click here to see how feedback is viewed in Amplify
  5. PowerSchool– upcoming assignment title and due date, score of graded assignments, overall class letter grade. I will update grades in PowerSchool once a week.