Nicole Lindgren
Welcome to Helena High School. I have had the privilege of teaching here for the last 27 years. This year I am teaching 3 sections of College Algebra 1st semester and Statistics 2nd semester. Students have the opportunity to take either or both semesters for dual credit through Helena College. I am also teaching 2 sections of Math 105, which can also be taken for dual credit. I am looking forward to a great year. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Mrs. Lindgren
College Algebra/Statistics
Welcome to College Algebra!!!
College Algebra (Math 121)/Statistics (Stats 216)
Mrs. Lindgren
Be Responsible!
Please come prepared and on time every day with the following items:
- Paper
- Textbook
- Assignment
- Calculator
- Pencil/Pen
Be Respectful!
Treat everyone in the class with respect.
Be a Graduate!
There are two categories that will make up your quarter grades.
Formative Assignments: 10%
This includes classwork, homework, bell ringers, exit tickets, etc.
Summative Assessments: 90%
This includes tests, quizzes, and projects.
Students may retake each summative assessments for full credit ONE TIME. Preparedness for the second, more rigorous, assessment will be at the teacher’s discretion and may include additional practice session(s) outside of class time. Re-takes must be taken outside of class and scheduled with the teacher and completed before the end of the semester. Re-take scores will replace the original test score.
Homework will be given on a regular basis. Each assignment will be graded on a 5 point scale. The 5 points will be earned in the following manner: 0-2 points for notes and 0-3 points for work. In order to receive full credit your assignment must be completed on time, corrected, and have all necessary steps shown. You must show your work to get 5 points. You may correct any assignment in order to receive the full 5 points. All make up and corrections must be completed by the given due date for each set of assignments.
This is the material that will be covered on the section checkpoints. The checkpoints will be worth 15 points each. You may use your homework and notes on the these. You may retake any checkpoint for full credit. NO checkpoint will be allowed to be made up or retaken after the due date!!
Semester Exams:
A semester exam will be given at the end of the 2nd and 4th quarters. The exam will count for 20% of the semester grade, with each quarter grade counting for 40% of the semester grade. Everyone will take the exams.
Be Involved!
Come to school every day and ask for help when you need it.
- Each student is responsible to get and make up assignments they have missed.
- All tests and quizzes will be made up in class the day the student returns to school.
- Attendance is the key to performing well in mathematics.
It is important that you do not get behind in this class. Make sure that if you do not understand that you get help as soon as possible. I will be available at before school, at lunch, after school, or by appointment.
I am looking forward to a great year, Mrs. Lindgren
Math 105
Welcome to Math 105!!!
Contemporary Math (Math 105)
Mrs. Lindgren
Be Responsible!
Please come prepared and on time every day with the following items:
- Pencil/Pen
- Paper
- Textbook
- Assignment
- Calculator
Be Respectful!
Treat everyone in the class with respect.
Be a Graduate!
There are two categories that will make up your quarter grades.
Formative Assignments: 10%
This includes classwork, homework, bell ringers, exit tickets, checkpoints etc.
Summative Assessments: 90%
This includes tests, quizzes, and projects.
Students may retake each summative assessments for full credit ONE TIME. Preparedness for the second, more rigorous, assessment will be at the teacher’s discretion and may include additional practice session(s) outside of class time. Re-takes must be taken outside of class and scheduled with the teacher and completed before the end of the semester. Re-take scores will replace the original test score.
Homework will be given on a regular basis. Each assignment will be graded on a 5 point scale. The 5 points will be earned in the following manner: 0-2 points for notes and 0-3 points for work. In order to receive full credit your assignment must be completed on time, corrected, and have all necessary steps shown. You must show your work to get 5 points. You may correct any assignment in order to receive the full 5 points. All make up and corrections must be completed by the given due date for each set of assignments.
Semester Exams:
A semester exam will be given at the end of the 2nd and 4th quarters. The exam will count for 20% of the semester grade, with each quarter grade counting for 40% of the semester grade. Everyone will take the exams.
Be Involved!
Come to school every day and ask for help when you need it.
- Each student is responsible to get and complete assignments they have missed.
- All tests will be made up in class on the day students return to school. Check points can be made up at lunch.
- Attendance is the key to performing well in mathematics.
It is important that you do not get behind in this class. Make sure that if you do not understand that you get help as soon as possible. I will be available before school, at lunch, after school, or by appointment.
I am looking forward to a great year, Mrs. Lindgren