Victor Daniel
Welcome to my teacher page!
I teach Ceramics 1, 2 and 3 and Art3 and Photo 1 -3. I love the transformative magic involved in making a work of art. In the visual arts our hands, eyes and mind must all work in unison for success to be possible. A raw blob of clay can morph into anything you can imagine. The act of making art teaches students patience, creative problem solving, design and engineering of materials. These skills help students grow regardless of their future career path. A strong art program increases students performance across the curriculum. Here at Helena High we strive to continually improve and update our Visual Arts Curriculum in order to help all of our students find creative solutions to an ever changing and evolving word.
Period 0 Ceramics
Period 2 Art 3
Period 3 Ceramics
Period 4 Photo 1 / Photo 2 / Photo 3
Period 5 Photo 1 / Photo 2 / Photo 3
Ceramics 1
Ceramics 1 is an entry level art class that focuses on basic ceramics skills. Students will learn to throw pots including cups, mugs and bowls on the wheel. Students will also learn a variety of hand building techniques like pinch, slab and coil building. Students will experiment with various forms of surface treatments and finishes including carving, slips, underglaze and glazes.
Ceramics Syllabus 2022
Ceramics 2
Ceramics 2 builds upon skills learned in Ceramics 1 while also adding practical skills for running and maintaining a functional clay studio. Ceramics 2 students will be challenged with larger more complex projects as well as helping load and unload kilns, mix glazes and slips and learn about alternate firing techniques like raku.
Ceramics Syllabus 2022
Ceramics 3
Ceramics 3 is an upper level class that provides a place for self motivated students to explore the field of Ceramics. This class is an independent study studio class where students will experiment with many techniques and forms in order to find a style and look that is uniquely their own.
Ceramics Syllabus 2022
Art 3

Art 3 is an upper-level studio art class that focuses on:
- Personal exploration and developing your voice or style
- Focus on a theme and explore that theme through multiple artworks to create a small body of work
- Experimenting with different media as a means of communication and expression
- Exploring art movements in art history and connect respond to them through art and/or discussion
- Researching contemporary artists working today and respond to their work
- Verbalizing how the elements and principles of design are used in your art as well as the art of classmates and professionals
- Help yourself and classmates grow through respectful critique designed to help you reflect and respond to your creative choices
Photo 1

Photo 1 is an introduction in into digital cameras. In Photo 1 we cover:
- Digital Camera use and features
- File Management
- Exposure, aperture, shutter speed and ISO
- Develop pictures using Adobe Lightroom
- Techniques for better photography
- Portraiture
- Basic Photoshop skills
- Studio lighting basics
Photo Syllabus 2022-post
Photo 2

Photo 2 focuses on traditional film photography
- Exposure review
- Pinhole Photography
- Darkroom tools and routines
- How to create a print
- Film developing and processing
- Loading and rewinding film in film cameras
- How to get better prints in the darkroom