Veronica Robertson
Hi! I am the automotive teacher at Helena High School. This is my 11th year at HHS, and my 15th year teaching overall. I love teaching high school automotive; the students, the shop setting, the learning… its awesome. Modern cars are fantastic machines, but my passion lies in the classics, back when vehicles had chrome! I’m a sucker for the off brands, with favorites being Hudsons, Volkswagons, Studebakers and Desotos. I think automotive is a great class for every single student; if you are going to drive a vehicle you should at least know something about it! If you have more than a passing interest in cars/trucks, the advanced classes are for you! (must pass AutoTech 1 first though)
Below you will find a list of the three automotive classes offered. If you click on the link all of the PowerPoints for that class are available so students can see exactly what they missed if they have been absent, or can review material if they need. If you have any questions, either as a parent or a student feel free to email me at
Auto Tech 1
Automotive Technology I is a one-semester course. This is a good class for everyone to take; if you are going to drive a vehicle you should know something about it! And- it’s a fun class. At the beginning of the semester students will learn shop safety procedures with a large emphasis on vehicle lifting. After a brief section on tools, we will move into vehicle systems. Students will learn in depth the operation and diagnosis of engine mechanical, fuel, ignition, cooling and lubrication systems, as well as an introductory unit to electricity! Towards the end of the semester students will learn basic vehicle maintenance. The method of instruction is a combination of lecture and demonstration, but I work hard to provide as many structured shop activities as possible to provide for a competency-based learning environment. This course is the first of a three-year automotive program. Sophomores are strongly encouraged to take this class so they will have the opportunity to complete all three automotive courses.
AutoTech 1 Syllabus & Outline
Running Agenda
Hand Tools
Vehicle Systems
Auto Tech II
Automotive Technology II is a two period, year-long course that will instruct students in shop safety procedures, small engines, electrical systems, brakes, and drivetrain systems. Students will also learn workplace skills to help prepare them for an entry-level position or further training in the automotive industry. The method of instruction will be a combination of lecture and demonstration, to be followed by student practice to provide for a competency based learning environment. This course is the second of a three-year automotive program.
Prerequisite: Auto Tech 1 with a minimum “C” grade and instructor approval.
Auto Tech III
Auto Tech 3 is where the automotive rock stars are! This is a two-period year-long course that will instruct students in shop safety procedures, steering and suspension, careers, engine performance and HVAC systems as well as review what has been learned in previous classes. Students will learn workplace skills to help prepare them for an entry level position or further training in the automotive industry. The method of instruction will be a combination of lecture and demonstration, to be followed by student practice to provide for a competency based learning environment. Students are allotted a large amount of time in the shop; they are to use this time efficiently to achieve various repairs and competencies, and a large portion of their grade will be based off flat rate. This course is the final course of a three-year automotive program and is open to Seniors only.
Prerequisite: Auto Tech 2 with a minimum “C” grade and instructor approval.
AutoTech3 Syllabus
Running Agenda
Steering & Suspension
Computer Systems